Using NumPy to replace Pandas GroupBy-Apply pattern for performance

4 minute read

If you use PySpark a lot you would know that the DataFrame API is great. However there are times when it is not sufficient because it does not cover every single piece of functionality we may want. This is where the Pandas UDF functionality comes in. The nice thing about the Pandas UDF functionality is that it uses Arrow for data transfer between Spark and Pandas which minimizes serialization-deserialization costs. I have a slight preference for Pandas Function API over Pandas UDF but now let’s get to the meat of the post which is about speeding up the Pandas GroupBy-Apply pattern by using NumPy instead.

Setup data

Let’s first start with example data to explain what we are doing. We construct an artificial dataset that has 4 columns, category, year, x, y. We will select 3 categories for category, namely ["red", "green", "blue"]. We have years representing every year from 2010 to 2020. The x column always have the same values for each category and year, 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and the y values monotonically increase with the x values. If you, like me, struggle to make sense of artificial data, let’s assume this data represents the sales of 3 categories of balls for each year. The y value is the total sales after x fraction of the year is finished.

_CATEGORIES = ["red", "green", "blue"]
_YEARS = range(2010, 2021)
_X_VALUES = [0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0]

def create_dataframe() -> pd.DataFrame:
    data = []
    for category in _CATEGORIES:
        for year in _YEARS:
            for x in _X_VALUES:
                y = 25.0 * x + random.uniform(0, 1)
                data.append([category, year, x, y])

    return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["category", "year", "x", "y"])

Pandas GroupBy

So, what do we want to do? Let’s assume that we want to find out what the sales for at 30% of each year and category. How do we do that? Since we already spoiled this in the title, let’s get to it. We can do a GroupBy-Apply for this.

def pandas_groupby(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return (
        df.groupby(["category", "year"])
        .apply(lambda df: np.interp(0.3, df["x"], df["y"]))

That’s pretty easy, right? It does what we want, although Pandas does weird stuff when you do GroupBy. It creates a multi-index with the columns that were used for the GroupBy. So, for example, if we were to use this UDF for PySpark, we would waste processing time resetting the index. But that’s Pandas.


How would we do this in NumPy? There is no GroupBy in NumPy. There’s a very old NEP that proposed this, but obviously it was not implemented. So, how would we do this? Essentially what we need to do is group indices for category and year first. NumPy has a nice way of doing this with lexsort.

sort_indices = np.lexsort((x_values, years, categories))

This will first sort by categories, then years, then x_values. We also sort by x_values since we need this for the next step. Then what we do is reshape the 1D array to a 2D array. So basically, for each category and year we have a column of y_values. And then we use apply_along_axis, since we don’t want to use a Pandas apply. A Pandas apply is essentially a Python for loop which is slow! So, we use the NumPy vectorized version.

def _interpolate_wrapper(fp: np.ndarray, xp: np.ndarray, x: float) -> float:
    return float(np.interp(x=x, xp=xp, fp=fp))

def numpy_groupby(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
      y_values = y_values.reshape([-1, num_x_unique_values])
      interpolated_y_values = np.apply_along_axis(

Why did we have to create a new function _interpolate_wrapper? Well, that is because apply_along_axis wants to use the first argument of the function being passed, even though we are specializing that in the function arguments. So, we had to create a wrapper to make y_values be the first argument. We can of course use different functions, if that is what we wanted to do. So that’s it. We have implemented the same functionality. But why do this? This brings us to…. benchmarking.


We use timeit to compare the times of the 2 different ways of doing our interpolation.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    numpy_times = timeit.repeat(
        "from __main__ import create_dataframe, numpy_groupby;df = create_dataframe();",
    print(f"Numpy times: {numpy_times}")
    pandas_times = timeit.repeat(
        "from __main__ import create_dataframe, pandas_groupby;df = create_dataframe()",
    print(f"Pandas times: {pandas_times}")

This will run the 2 functions a 100 times, and repeat it 5 times which is the default value for repeat. The output will be then a list of 5 numbers for each of the 2 function calls. Each of the 5 numbers represent the time for one of the 5 runs. I am running this on a 2019 MacBook with an i9 Intel processor.
And here are the results.

Numpy times: [0.039644957000000036, 0.03817060300000008, 0.037790082, 0.037306608000000074, 0.03735358100000008]
Pandas times: [0.36932151, 0.36356516000000005, 0.358974868, 0.3752171339999999, 0.36828465099999974]

Well, clearly we can see almost an order of magnitude(10X) improvement in performance. That is A LOT. And as our data becomes bigger and bigger in size, this can be the difference between having a $500 vs a $5000 job. Or $5000 vs $50000. Or…. you get the point.

Closing thoughts

So, is the conclusion that we need to write everything in NumPy. Well, it’s complicated. But here are the steps that I would go through to decide what to do.

  1. Don’t write a UDF. Don’t do it!
  2. If you have to write a UDF, use a Pandas UDF.
  3. Use Pandas API. Don’t use NumPy.
  4. But if costs start becoming a concern, use NumPy.
  5. Benchmark your UDF. Then benchmark some more.

I would also have liked to have a look at whether we could speed up the NumPy code even more with Numba. Unfortunately Numba does not support lexsort. But all in all, I am happy with the performance while keeping the code fairly simple.


The code is available here.
