Decorators in Python make composability easier

4 minute read

The last couple of posts have been about 49travel and the way I built it. This week I am going to be talking about decorators for a bit. It seems very disconnected from the last posts, but I started reflecting on this while writing some Python for 49travel. So there’s still a connection!

Python requests

As a reminder, to build 49travel, I had to use the amazing Transport Rest API. However, this is obviously not built for production and so does rate limiting. Which is fine since we can just add a rate limit on our side by introducing time.sleep. For eg., this would be one way to do this.

import requests

def _request():
    location_url = ""
    location_response = requests.get(location_url)

This would ensure that everytime we call _request, we would wait 1 second after the get request, ensuring less than 60 requests per minute. But while working with this code, I started seeing issues. First I had to introduce a timeout inside the get request.

location_response = requests.get(location_url, timeout=1)

I really have no explaination for this, but the request would wait infinitely if I did not add this to the request. Which is fine, but I kept getting connection errors even after this. So I decided to introduce retries into the request session. Pay attention to this because we will get back to this later. This is how I add retries.

def session_with_retry() -> requests.Session:
    session = requests.Session()

    retries = 3
    backoff_factor = 0.3

    retry = Retry(

    adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
    session.mount("http://", adapter)
    session.mount("https://", adapter)

    return session

In the function, retries = 3 ensures that if the connection fails, requests will try 3 more times. The backoff_factor ensures that after each failure past the second try, the request waits exponentially longer.

{backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of previous retries}))

We edit our previous function to now use the retry strategy.

def _request():
    location_url = ""
    request_session = session_with_retry()
    location_response = request_session.get(location_url, timeout=1)

Problem solved, right? Yes, but as you can see, the code isn’t very nice. First, the weird timeout inside the request, and then the ugly Retry code.


While thinking of making this cleaner, I discovered pyhafas. And remarkably, it solved my first problem. I no longer had to use the _request function, create query parameters etc. Instead of a REST API, I could use the pyhafas API!

from pyhafas import HafasClient

def _journey():
    client = HafasClient()
    return client.journeys(  

But I still had my second problem. A few requests, and I would get Connection Error. And now I don’t have direct control over the Retry strategy. So, I decided to create my own!

for i in range(4):
        journeys =  _journey() 
        return journeys
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
        print(f"Connection reset. Error: {e.args[0]}. Waiting to try again.")
        time.sleep(2 * (i + 1) * 20)
        print("Trying again")

Here, the i loop is the number of retries and I made my own custom exponential backoff with some tuning. It worked. I hated it!


I decided that the ideal way forward would be to actually change the code in pyhafas. But when I started to write the changes, I realized something else. The retry code is really ugly. Look at this monstrosity again. Also notice that we need 3 different imports to implement it.

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

session = requests.Session()

retries = 3
backoff_factor = 0.3

retry = Retry(...

adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
session.mount("http://", adapter)
session.mount("https://", adapter)

At this point I discovered tenacity while reading through some OpenAI examples. And this is so much nicer.

from tenacity import retry, retry_if_exception_type, wait_exponential, stop_after_attempt 

def journey(...

Now I don’t have to deal with creating sessions and adapters and all that jazz anymore. The imports are all together on a single line. And this is in fact even more general. It doesn’t necessarily apply to only connection errors. That’s just the choice I want to make here. Plus, you control the retries explicity rather than through indirections.

Composability using decorators

Going through this exercise really highlighted to me how powerful decorators are. There are many examples of how they are being used in a similar manner. Consider Airflow.

from airflow.decorators import dag, task

def my_dag():
    def task1():
        # Task 1 logic goes here

    def task2():
        # Task 2 logic goes here

This is such a nice way of defining the DAG. You just write the functions for a task and wrap it with a decorator and it becomes a DAG(of course you also need to define inter task dependencies).

Or Numba, which we touched upon in a previous post.

from numba import njit

def plus_one(a):
    return a+1

I think this is a template that should be followed to make Python libraries more composable, as opposed to the boilerplate we needed to do for Retry.

Final thoughts

This post became longer than I had originally thought, but I figured that these are the steps I went through to make this realization. And so I needed the context to be clear. Library design is not easy, but recognizing these patterns will lead to better designs. Decorators really make trying out new stuff super simple and I wish to see more of this in the future.
